what is a school family council?

The School Family Council operates like an oversight board for the school and is made up of administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders. 


Meeting Information:

When: 6pm, last Tuesday of every month

Where: Zoom Link


  • Meetings are public, consistent and help at flexible times for parent and community members.
  • Parents and community members are notified, and minutes are accessible.

    Interpreters are made available for parents of English language learners.



Discussion Topics

  • School and student progress data
  • School program plans to increase the academic achievement of all students
  • Financial program information
  • Implementation of its family and community engagement plan


  • Minimum of 3 parent representatives, elected via the organized parent group at the school, and open to all parents regardless of membership.
  • Minimum of 2 community members selected by the Council.
  • Note: For both roles recruitment of members with a special education interest/background is encouraged.
  • Every parent and community member of the Council will be a part of the Council decision-making process (ex: develop School Improvement Plan, meeting agenda items, etc.)

Training and workshops

Provide training and materials for families to monitor and support learning and academic achievement of their children at school and at home (literacy, using technology, parenting, etc.).